Pray For Us

IMG_1199Our greatest prayer needs at this time are:

* For Nathanael to be ministered to in his transition. He struggles with loneliness because not only did he leave some really special friends back in the U.S. but we no longer have a yard to play in. He can no longer go outside without Heather and ride his skateboard or play. Also, we live in an area where there doesn’t seem to be other children for him to play with. His only friends are at church so during the week he really misses other kids and activities.

* For Ellie also to have more opportunities to play and get exercise. Heather is often busy with the new baby or homeschooling and since we no longer live in a single family home, it is not safe for Ellie to go out without someone taking her.

* For Heather to be able to learn Cantonese quickly and to be able to fulfill all the duties that homeschooling, motherhood, etc require as well as being this year’s VBS decorating and prop leader.

* For Paul: Above all to have eyes fixed on Christ and focus on walking in the Spirit.  Continue to improve in Cantonese to a point of being able to minister and share the gospel more effectively.  Wisdom and guidance to minister to the family and in leading them into areas of ministry as a family and as individuals.  Financial provisions through tent making and business as a mission (BAM) opportunities.

* For Hannah to be diligent during the summer to catch up on school (we had to take a long break from school while transitioning). And also for her to be strengthened by God to do all that life with 4 siblings requires of her. Pray for abundant patience, mercy, and God’s love for her siblings as well as time to properly maintain healthy relationships with each one. Hannah has been learning and growing a lot these past months but really feels the opposing spiritual attacks. Please pray for strength and wisdom for her in the difficult times.

* For Justin:  guidance and favor as he prepares to research and apply for local universities, for boldness and wisdom in sharing Christ with his non-believing friends and diligence to seek the Lord with all of himself.

* For Cyrus to continue to grow healthy and strong!